Translations and official translations

Professional Translations

Offering accurate translations for a variety of languages including English, German, Dutch, Russian, Hungarian and beyond.

If you need help translating any document, letter, statement, or website, into your native language, or from your native language into the target language we're here to lend a hand!

Our prices are incredibly attractive.

Find out our individual prices!

Cosmo Lingoda Language Centre

Official Translations with stamp/ Proofreading

Presenting official documents such as birth certificates, diplomas, and translations of prior job experiences or contracts for a job position - We always make sure to provide a secure, official translation.

Native language proofreading is when a language expert reviews the translation.

In any case, inquire about the type of translation you need: an official or certified translation.

Our prices are incredibly attractive.

Find out our individual prices!

Cosmo Lingoda Language Centre

Managing difficult matters

Struggling with a situation because you can't speak the language?

We can assist you with any official matters like tax statements, vacation money settlement, deciphering medical opinions - whatever it is, just let us know!

A few minutes talking with the authorities in the language of the region or some emails often do the trick to resolve the dust problem.

We have successfully handled a variety of cases, even the more challenging ones.

Our prices are incredibly attractive.

Find out our individual prices!

Cosmo Lingoda Language Centre